C01, Early Jacket#1, Cast aluminum, 35x28x26cm, 1997
C02, The Shadow of A Hundred Years, Aluminum & Wood, 30x20x16cmx10, 1997
C03, The Shadow of A Hundred Years, Aluminum & Wood, 50x35x22cmx10, 1997
C04, Legacy Mantle, Painted Cast Bronze, 240×160×90cm, 1997
C05, Legacy Mantle, Painted cast Bronze, 200×160×420cm, Paris, 1999
C06, Rainbow Jacket, painted fiber glass, H60cm, 2004
C07, Clothe Vien Study, Painted Cast Bronze, Original size, 1998
C08, Clothe Vien Study, Discobolus. Painted Bronze, 172x115x80cm, 1998
C09, Clothe vein Study - Dying Slave, Painted Fiberglass ,172x115x80cm, 1998
C10, Clothe Vien Study - Dying Slave, Painted Fiberglass ,172x115x80cm, 1998
C11, Clothe Vein Study - Dying Slave, Painted Fiberglass ,120x40x40cm, 1998
C12, Clothe Vein Study - David, Painted Bronze ,120x40x40cm, 1998
C13, Clothe Vein Study - Anatomy, painted bronze ,120x40x40cm, 1998
C14, Chinese football, painted plastic, 160x100x110, 2003
C15, Karl Max in China, 2002
C16, Clothe Vein Study - Right Arm, painted fiberglass and resin, 700×230×250cm, 2003
C17, Sleeping Mao, painted fiberglass, 240x120x50cm, 2003
C18, Sleep of Reason, Multi material installation, Cooperation, 510×705×100cm, 2005
C18a, Sleeping without Mao, painting fiberglass, 240x120x20cm, 2006