A01,Plaster Cube under flushing Water One Week Plaster,50x50x60cm,1987
A02,Weightlessness , painted plaster, installation, 1989
A03,Weightlessness, cast bronze, installation, 1989
A04, Portrait Untitled, Clothes and Plaster,40×25×25cm,1986
A05,Portrait of Balance keeping No.1, furniture and plaster,95x75x75cm, 1988
A06,Portrait of Balance keeping No.2, furniture and plaster,95x95x75cm,1988
A07,Portrait of Balance keeping No.3, furniture and plaster,70x60x60cm,1988
A08,Portrait with plastered bandages,40×25×25cm,1989
A09,Bust Portraits, wood, 40x20x20cm, 1989
A10,Group Portraits with plastered bandages ,each about 40×25×25cm,1989